Overview – Our Billing Reconciliation Solution, iRecon, resolves issues related to discrepancies in tower-type records across departments, offering a unified asset register and accurate Master Service Agreement (MSA) configurations. With a central asset repository, the solution enhances transparency, ensures billing compliance, and simplifies bill validation with a single click. Its analytical capabilities empower organizations to optimize costs by considering factors like rental, consumption, EB rates, and performance-based bonuses/penalties. Overall, Infozech’s Billing Reconciliation solution stands as a game-changer, streamlining asset management and boosting financial performance in the telecom sector.
Offering – Billing Reconciliation and Asset Reconciliation
Lack of Central Repository: Mismatch of tower-type records in different copies of data with Finance, O&M, and Inventory
Unoptimized Asset Data/No single source of truth leads to:
10-30% of fixed assets are no longer owned
65% of fixed asset data is inaccurate, incomplete or missing
Multiple copies of the same data in every department
Poor financial performance:
The top 30 Telcos have a $2.4 trillion book value of assets
Average Debt to Equity Ratio across top 30 Telcos >1, Highly leveraged
15-16% of sales invested in fixed assets each year
No Asset Tracking:
Lack of real-time tracking of Asset movement (DG, Battery or BTS) from one site to another
Incorrect entry of mode of procurement ( Sold, Purchased or leased) of the same asset in different copies of data
Poor Billing Compliance: Missing records of Request for Installation (RFI) & Request for Service (RFS) dates in parameters for billing